Monday, July 16, 2018

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty in Namuwongo

Cycle of Poverty: “a set of factors or events by which poverty, once started, is likely to continue unless there is outside intervention” (Hutchinson Encyclopedia)

This is exactly what we have seen and experienced in the Namuwongo slum of Kampala where Doors Primary School is located. Parents (and generations before) have fallen into poverty, a poverty so severe that education and proper nutrition has not been attainable. This is the future that awaits these parents’ children as the parents are unable to find consistent jobs to fully provide for themselves and families due to their own lack of education and poor health. Their children can remain uneducated and malnourished, unable to break this powerful cycle of poverty before them…unless an outside intervention comes in to help.

Doors Primary School works hard to break this cycle by empowering families with the Gospel of Christ. The school walks out the Jesus’ command to “make disciples” every day, and truly “loves their neighbor” by first “loving God.” Parents are able to send their children to Doors Primary School to receive a quality education, receive free basic medical care, and grow in their knowledge and understanding of God. This is only made possible as children at the school are connected with a monthly financial partner such as yourself. Your monthly gift of just $37/month per student goes directly towards paying school facility rent, teacher and staff salaries, curriculum costs, lunch every day, breakfast 2 times a week, school registration, and more. This allows parents to send their children to receive an education that they otherwise could not afford.

Doors Primary School fights every day to lay the foundation in Christ to break the cycle of poverty in Namuwongo.

Consider partnering with a student of Doors Primary at $37/month, allowing the school to remain open and positively impacting students and families for the glory of God. Contact us for more information.

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